Donations may be made at any time from the comfort of your home or any place with internet access. You may give here using the Givlify link option below. Givelify is a secure and convenient process.
Direct Mail:
Greater St. Luke Baptist Church
117 Wallace Road
Jackson, TN 38301
Greater St. Luke Baptist Church
117 Wallace Road
Jackson, TN 38301
GIVING DISCLAIMER: Visiting this website and this page does not obligate you to give. We're blessed to know that you have visited our website. Online Giving for Greater St. Luke is a major step in following the vision of our pastor of having Greater St. Luke become an E-Faith Community.
MEDIA DISCLAIMER: All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used on this website belong to their respective owners. Greater St. Luke Baptist Church does not claim any right over them and believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the United States Copyright Law.
Greater St. Luke Baptist Church does claims the rights to any orignally created music, videos, songs, images, and graphics used for the express purpose of our ministry efforts and cannot be duplicated or distributed without the written permission of the church communications ministry leader and/or pastor.
Greater St. Luke Baptist Church does claims the rights to any orignally created music, videos, songs, images, and graphics used for the express purpose of our ministry efforts and cannot be duplicated or distributed without the written permission of the church communications ministry leader and/or pastor.