About Greater St. Luke

A Kingdom-building Torchbearer Ministry located in Jackson, TN


2025:  The Year of Intentional Ministry
"Refresh our Focus -- Revitalize our God-give Gifts -- Serve with Excellece."
I Peter 4:10 (TLT)
 “God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passig on to others God's Many Kinds of Blessings.”

Our Mission
“To let our light shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in Heaven.  (Paraphrased) Matthew 5:15
Our Vision
To equip and send forth Christ-centered, Kingdom-building Torchbearers whose flame of the Holy Spirit leads the lost sheep to The Shepherd through Exhortation, Edification & Evangelism.”
Who we are...
The Greater St. Luke Family don’t just call ourselves members—“We are Torchbearers!”  We believe in letting our light shine that has been kindled by our Holy Ghost experience.  We want to inspire others to see what a wonderful change there is in our lives when now that we have surrendered to Him who can save us.  The light of change in our lives is the beacon that we hope will lead others to seek our Lord and Savior experience that wonderful life-changing moment.
  • We carry our light so that other can see the edification of the Holy Spirit and the Manifestation of his indwelling in us. 
  • We accept those who seek Him without prejudice to the outward appearance or circumstance.  
  • We place our priority on salvation through the proclaiming the Word of God to the lost.
  • We acknowledge the five-fold ministry wherein each of us has a purposeful life through which our Heavenly Father desires to use us.
  • We are a connectional church through (a) The Triune God (b) Jesus; and (c) the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • We offer willingly and obediently unto God our first fruits of tithes, offerings, times, gifts, and services setting the example of good stewardship.

Through Biblical teachings by Pastor Hall, we are compelled to not just do church work but do the work of the church.   Through that work, we witness the valuable transformation from lost to saved, from despair to hope, and from loneliness to being part of the wonderful family of God and church.

Again, we thank you for choosing us for your worship experience.



Welcome to Greater St. Luke Baptist Church.  We thank you for taking an interest in our ministry.  Regardless of whether you are just starting your spiritual journey or you have followed this path for quite some time, we embrace your decision.  We invite you to visit our church in person and experience the joy of Jesus Christ.  There is a ministry involvement awaiting each and everyone at Greater St. Luke.  It takes all of us to help spread God's Plan of Salvation.  It takes a spiritual-based atmosphere and the spirutual gifts of many to raise one Christian.  That is why we value your joining us in the building of a strong church-based relationship.

May God bless you.  We look forward to having you in our presence. 


What times are Sunday Services?
Our Sunday worship celebration begins at 10 a.m.
You're invited to join our Sunday School which begins at 8:30 a.m.

How do I dress?
Come dressed or casual.  We are not here to judge your choice of clothing.

Does your schedule change at any given time?
During the month of August, our Wednesday Bible Study and Youth Ministry are on hiatus and resumes in September.  This allows our educators and students planning their return to school the opportunity to adjust.  
How do I join a ministry?
Greater St. Luke offers a very active variety of ministries that enable our members to get involved while strengthening their faith and reliance on God.  You're invited to visit our ministry page to view the various ministry opportunities available to you and your family.  We offer membership orientation for adults, teens, and children who are new members.  Once that class has been completed, members are encouraged to take an active part in the ministry or ministries of their choice.

How can I rent space at the church for an event?
In order to rent space at our church facility, you must submit a completed request form which is available in the Public Relations/Media Office or by contacting the Deacon Ministry Leader, Herman Mosley.  Once your completed form has been returned to the church, your request will be given careful consideration.  As we are a faith-based ministry, not all requests will be honored if such requests appear to not meet the church's criteria.  If submitted requests are for a date and time whereas there is a scheduled church event, said request will not be honored.
I want change in my life.  I want to turn my life around.  How can I do that?
Recognize and acknowledge your sins:  This is the first great step towards becoming a Christian.  When one recognizes that that the things that they have done are not pleasing in the sight of God, they are recognizing sin.  Once sin is recognized, it becomes apparent that sin is not Godly thus disobedience to to God.
  • Repent for your sins:  Once you have acknowedged that you have sinned, it's time to make all efforts to not repeat your old actions.  It's time to put away those old habits of sin and adopt a path of living so as to not continue to do those things that you know are not pleasing to God thus doing hard to others as well as yourself.  When you do this, you are repenting by turning away from sin so that you may live the way God has ordained for us to live.  What a joy to know your life has changed because of your decision to become a part of the Christian faith.  We will not tell you that it's going to be easy because it won't.  But this is where you build faith--faith in God to give your strength to fight the urge to go back to your old ways.
  • Accept Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as your Lord and Savior:  Jesus was born into this world, suffered the harshness of man, and died upon the cross.  He did all this so that our lives would change.  He sacrificed His Life so that we might have a chance for salvation.  He dies upon that Old Rugged Cross for the forgiveness of our sins.  When you believe in Jesus Christ and believe that His Purpose on this earth was to give us a chance at a better way of living, you've made that all important move towards becoming a Christian.  But it doesn't stop there.  Your life change can become a living testimony for others.  Through the sharing of your life change through witnessing to others, you now become an instrument through which God uses you to bring others to Christ.
  • Get involved in a faith-based ministry:  We encourage you to become involved in a faith-based ministry where you are surrounded by praying, loving, believing, God-fearing, people.  We invite you to begin your faith walk by joing us on Wednesdays at Bible Study and share in God teaching.  When you join a faith-based community, you become a part of a church that will embrace you, be patient with you, won't judge your, and will encourage you as you strengthen your faith.

May God bless you.  We look forward to having you in our presence.